Celebrating Our Faith Journey With Jesus

Sunday Services

Come feel the Lords presence, as we sing and rejoice together in harmony.

Sunday Service commences at 10am. Our morning finishes with a light morning tea, so please stay for a cuppa and a chat.

Communion is on the first Sunday of each month.

Bible Study & Prayer

Explore the teachings of Jesus in a relaxed and engaging setting Thursdays during school terms 10am to 11am. We also meet for Prayer straight after this to pray for our city, congregation & loved ones and other occurrences around the world.

Care & Share Ladies Craft Group - Wednesdays 9.30am to 11.30am.

Monthly Aged Care Services held at Sheoak Lodge and Boneham Aged Care in Millicent.

Hey friends! Tap the Spotify button to listen to the most recent message. No need to miss out!

Welcome to Millicent Baptist Church

Excited to connect with you! Share a little about yourself and we'll reach out soon. Looking forward to chatting with you!